Friday, December 23, 2011

Congratz to pmr 2011 candidates....

tahniah2 kpada sume dak2 pmr yg bru dpat rsult? amacam? ok ke x??

hahaha...tringat plak zman mude2 lu amik rsult....(aice, mcam tua sngat)

yg brjya, aku ucapkan tahniah..ko mmg deserve pe yg korng dpat......

yg x brape brjya tu, jgan ptus asa ok? smada mmg korng x studi ato pemeriksa x suke korng..hahahaha

guro2....rzeki xde kn, xkan nk hikmah nye....k?

tpi jgan leka plak..mnengah ats nnti lgi sngat la bez..hahaha

rmai la yg aku tngok cmerlang pmr, tpi laz2 dh neik mnengah ats, die msuk bberapa kwan aku.......

hahaha..dh2, mlas aku nk stress kn keadaan, pe2 pn TAHNIAH /CONGRATULATION /வாழ்த்துக்கள் /恭喜


especially to someone special..huhuhu


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 coming? huh......=.=

ermm..surt khabar, berita..sume dh start tnjuk saat2 2011....dis only mean one thing...

2012 is coming.... =.=

eeee....x saba nye nk smbut thun baru...pnah dnga?? aku x nk dnga pn..hahaha

well, honestly, aku x brape epi sngat nk smbut sngat 2012, nk tau nape?? bkan sbb tr pngaruh movie =.= hahaha


haish...thun dpan aku spm deh~~
mkne nye.....
-double study
-double effort
-double restrictions
-double strict
-double de stress...............

got it?? gud.......haish =.=


someone is going to left to boarding school next year T.T

damn......simply so damn.......

well, im being real close to i cnt meet her for a year...huaaarr!!

no talking......IS DIS HOW IM GONNA DIE!!!!


straight to de point............i have to face de whole stuff next year ALONE!!

now its...

yea..i know i was alone b4 i know her....but dat bcoz i had my bez fren backing me up..but now........i barely have one =.=

haish..but HEART of STEEL..i cn do it myself, right? [think positive :)]

Ya ALLAH, jgan la ENGKAU timpa kn ujian yg x mmpu aku tnggung thun dpan...amin...

wish me luck guys ;)


Monday, December 19, 2011

great...everything juz getting suck.....

damn.....pehl lak 2-3 ari ni cm bullshit je ek?? hahaha....ish, x beik mncarut =3 gadu ngan ibu.....ble than dsyat gak, tpi pnah lgi dsyat =.= hahaha

nsib beik dh ok......fuh~ x brani gadu lma2 ngan ibu :3 hahaha

smalam aku wat keje bodo plak......cri psal ngan sorng bdak yg gedik ngan ehem2 aku....

aku x than tngok die mnngatal aku try ar sound die..mna la tau, mnyesal ke....laz2 die plak sound aku blik...hahahaha....ye2 aku sala.....watever~~

but in de end, ehem2 aku x suke aku wat cmtu....die kta die ble sttle sndri, plus dak tu kwan die.........

mmg la aku tau tpi.....ish2...rsa mcam nk je sepak bdak tu wei.....mein baby2 lak........bab* ko!!!

mkin truk lak ari ptut nye kwan aku plan nk wat vid, tpi cancel plak sbb ujan..xpe la, die kta kte hnya mnrancang, Allah yg mnntukan...nsib beik ckp cmtu sjuk skit ati aku.....

arrrgghhh!!! DAMN LA WEI!!!!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

From a coldheart boy, who nver ever care about others............... is turning into SOMEONE ELSE wif WARMER heart >.<

wat de hell am I talking bout now......hahahaa
CIAO, bro.....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Love is in de Air~

hahaha..msti korng mnyampah tngok aku post2 bnde2 psal love ni kn? i know, i know....tu nma nye jelez......hahahaha

stahn lpas, aku bnyak post psal bnde2 general ni n aku rsa ade 1 post je psal love, tu pn enta mrapu aku tulis..hahaha

n then tetibe aku dh start post psal love....haish..bdak ni x lein ngah angau psal love la ni..bese la pnyakit rmaja....lma2 lok ler tu....

haha..well, de fact yg ak nk bgitau korng2 n korng sume...aku bkan tngah cinta monyet.....

dnia rmaja mmg la pnuh ngan couple, clash, couple, clash..not me mate, im one in a not dat type of person..if u ask me, im gonna stay wif tis girl 4ever, but anything may hppen right?? ajal maut ditngan tuhan..who knows.....

bru je tuka lgu blog...haha..angau2....

so, aku juz nk gitau, im still young, n im serious wif stuff, haha, OK? good~

CAO,tido kul 3pagi, sok ade ride gi tluk batik.....hahaha...tido dlam laut ler jwap nye....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sacrifice of Love

well, klo ckap psal pngorbanan je, rmai akn ingt mati..mati untuk cinta, mati untuk proof kesetian kita pda orng tu..BULLSHIT man!!!

why?? hahaha..well, yela, rmai mati krana cinta..super bodoh tpi tu la yg brlaku.....

ade yg mati sbb ptus cinta..ade yg mati nk protect orng yg die cinta..n many more la yg brkaitan...sory, but i would say that they were blind by emotions......

1st, mati krana ptus cinta..sah2 la bdoh, krana Allah dh mnjdi stiap makhluk nye br psangan..pagi & mlam, laut & darat, hidup & mati and adam &, klo bkan jdoh ko ngan die, pasti ade ngan orng lein pnye..dun worry la my frens..yg kes dara tua tu x yah cmpur la, diorng de priority lein dlam idup diorng...hahahaha....

lgi stu, ckup popular and ckup bodo..mati mmbuktikan cinta kita..first, korng dh br cinta, then, korng snang ambik kputusan mati juz ntuk mmbuktikan lgi cinta tu.....
phal lak bodo?? haha, bia aku bgi conto, aku tr bca kat ntah aku x ingt

Dad: how could i trust my daughter on u ?
Boy: I would give my life to protect her!
Dad: then i dun wan u to be her husband
Boy: what?! y? i die for her!!
Dad: i wan her husband to be wif her all de time..not juz letting her alone by herself

got it? guys, klo btul korng cinta kn seseorng, dun die for wif her..well, klo die dlanda msalah idup dn mati tu, korng kne la fkir scara wras...bkan scara mudah, beza tu..hahaha

so, be wif her, help her wen she fall, guide her wen she lost..dat's de true scarife of love :)

dat's all from Dr Love Boyz126, hahaha..cao

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

a very touching love :'(

aku mnangis?? nver~ tpi agk mnyayat ati la ble bca bnde alh ni..hahahahaha

she was no one to be known
she funky, happy go lucky and well retarded
suddenly 1 man comes from no where make her heart melt
she was confuse bout that
but she knew she was in love
after couples of month knew the man
she think he is the one
they start to be in some kind of relationship
she put her trust, love and loyalty 100% on him
hoping he will do the same
even tragedy did happen
she juz hide it away
not all ppl like them together
then she decide to let him go 4 awhile for the sake of the boy. and wish she sould sacrifice her great love towards him
it was sad, even she cry very bad that day
but she hv to for the goodness of the boy
till now she loyal waiting those days to pass on
she keep with her words, and hoping the guy will not doubt her waitings
and hoping there is trust beneath the scrifice that she has choose
she also hope that the waiting and sacrifices paid off
or she will be someone who ppl never know anymore
she wil anything to keep herself in faith 4 da waiting
she really determine
~no ending~

dun like it?? U BETTER LIKE IT! or u r.......FOREVER ALONE!!!! juz a stroy dat's all..where i got dis?? secret stuff mate, sory..hahaha..nothing serious

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Smangat plak diorng ni tetibe....

Fuhu...abis pn exam form4 thun ni....rsa mrdeka la gak..haha

tpi yg aku plik nye, asl mmber2 aku x sgembira aku ah?? ble aku excited je dh abis exam, diorng -lek ar man, bru abis exam je pn-

oo...mybe exam tu x beri IMPAK yg bsar kpada diorng, ok.......

so dh abis exam ni, makin rjin la aku bkak FB hahaha.....ske ati aku nk wat pe ngan free time aku..haha

aku tngok je la pe yg diorng yg gado, de yg x puas ati ngan orng tpi x ckap direct pastu orng lein trase..haha..tu pling aku suke.....n mcam2 lgi ar....

plus, rmai plak orng yg wat blog skang ni....nmpak sngat??????????? NMPAK SNGAT BORING NYE~~ HAHAHA

x sala wat blog (aku pn tngah tulis kat blog ni :P ) tpi mcam lawak doh, lpas sbulan or sminggu abis exam je, rmai yg wat blog....haha....pastu promote bnyak2...

wei, fllow tau blog aku, pdahal post nye idak jugak....hahaha

so i'm not mad to anyone who wan to make a blog, xperience la kta up....haha

n kpda sesape yg mmbaca ni trasa, aku nk ckap stu lgi -sory, i x reti dcorate blog cntik2 cm korng :P -


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Get real guys....haish...

korng prasan x yg skang ni mkin rmai laki jdi pompuan dri pda pompuan jdi laki??

klo la lgi 10 thun bnde ni x settle, aku rsa m'sia ni tnggal aku sorng je laki (aice...prasan jap)

tpi kpd mreka yg mmpunyai msalah ksihatan tu tr kecuali la, sbb bkan diorng nk jdi cm2 pn..aku smpati ngan orng mcam ni, kcuali laki yg dh mmg laki, tpi tringin nk jdi lmbut, WTFUCK MAN!!!

kpd laki2 lmbut out there u know y i dun like u??

korng tau x btapa untungnye jdi laki?? laki ble br sikap gnas, x pyah pikr malu(xde la mlampau sngat) x pyah pkir nk make-up, n many more la yg aku rsa korng ble pikir sndri....

wat pe jdi lmbut?? aku x mnghina para wanita k, plus, diorng ni glongan yg dlindungi Allah (klo diorng beriman.....)

tpi kpda lelaki2 lmbut kat luar nu....plz la jgan wat aku mnyampah ngan korng...
klo tringin sngat nk jdi orng lein, korng jdi la penyu ke, tiang ke, polis ke, ni.......lmbut?? haish....msyarakat skang mmg sakit truk....

laki pn x smestinya kne gnas sentiasa, de gak laki yg romantik kn????? so it's depend on yor choice....

kpd mna2 laki yg tringin jdi lmbut tu....pkir blik....jgan smpai bruk padah nya


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Smakin kita syg ssuatu bnde, smakin kita sedih apabila khilangan nya......

Wazzup..rindu plak nk update bloog ni..haha

well, aku rsa korng pn fham pe yg aku ckap kat ats..mmg btul kn??

kita x leh nk mnyalahkn hukum alam( aice...) yg kita akn rsa sedi apabila khilangan bnde yg kita syg....

korng x smesti nya syg awek korng je, korng msti syg bnde lein gak kn?? fmily, kwan2..korng ak rsa sedih sngat....

apehal aku jambu sngat ni?? haha, aku juz mnyatakan prasaan sbagai seorng mnusia je k....coz i;'m a human too, haha.....

sbagai cntoh, korng ble dnga lagu rocketeer, ia mnceritakan sejauh mna serong lelaki akn lakukan untk mncapai orng yg die syg.....

haha..serious aku jambu gler skang.....

Monday, July 25, 2011

Parkour Never Die!!!

Uuummm..sesuai ke tjuk ari ni?? aku ingt nk wat Parkour vs Freerun...tpi mngenang kn aku dh lma x post psal parkour, aku wat la tjuk cmni..haha

so, blogger skalian mri kite focus pda tjuk original kita....Parkour vs Freerun....

most of us, didn't realize that Freerun is not Parkour..ppl get mix up n think that Freerun IS Parkour.....

actually, that's not a problm even if u mix up..haha..tpi sbenar, benarnya, freerun is more about style than parkour....

for freerun, u can make it look amazing by doing all the flip but in parkour, it's easier but well, ia x la sehebat freerun...

most ppl akan lbih trtarik pda freerun yg lbih brgaya & style (bnde sma)..aku x kisa sngat, but in parkour, in may look lame but when u master it, it could be useful for a long run.....

nape aku mcam mnyokong parkour dripda freerun?? haha...isn't obvious?? aku x brape ngan freeun sngat..ok...

nape?? coz i can't do it!!! haha..but bile dfikir kn..flip don't hlp much than juz for style n well, STYLE......

so, in the end, i btter focus on my parkour skill, jump over that, jump over this....... tpi lgi...freerun n parkour is juz like brothers k?? dun argue bcoz of tis..coz parkour ni mcam abg & freerun ni mcam adik kpd parkour sndri....

TQ2.......(pnjg post aku kli ni.......hahahaha)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Birthday Boy

Huhu..sperti yg korng tau, ari ni besday aku..waaa!!! x sngka nye....

wat?? korng x tau?? well, korng ptut tau coz that's y de blog name is BOYZ126......

12 June, kn??? haha...well, aku ni mmang agk kreatif...wahahahaha!!!

thnx kpade sesape yg wish aku, wish dlam hati korng pn aku ckup brtrima kasih....

nape aku kecoh2 ngan besday aku ni??
coz ini la ari brsejarah untk blog BOYZ126!!! knape?? coz ari ni ari jdi THE CREATOR!!!!

haha..get it?? well, aku cme nk mngisi blog aku, spaya korng x ingt blog aku ni mati.....k, cao...

live yor life, live healthy......

Sunday, June 5, 2011


"Movie 2 Watch"

i juz watch a real super gud movie that will spend yor 1 hour 30 min without u knowing!!! haha

movie pe yg bgus sngat tu?? haha, nk citer la ni..ce citer kta kn.....

movie nye ialah........................KUNG FU PANDA 2!!! wuhu!!!

aku x psti msih de lgi x kat wayng tpi this one of the bez movie 2 watch!!!

Y?? double the action, double the humor, double the emotion, double evrything!!!

aku x tau nk kta pe lgi dh, evrything is gud!

ummm, Po lbih cool ngan kung fu die tpi still ngan prangai bodo2 die..haha...

anyway, congrats 2 the director, n Jack Black, my favourite, n also the other who contribute to this movie...

final it guys.....

Friday, May 27, 2011

nape....adakah krane aku x sempurna....

waktu, lpas tngok mharaja lwak...aku pn on com...well, on com, msti ar net surfing..facebook, utube, google, sgale ar aku bkak...SEGALA~~~~

umm....dh abis sgale tu, aku turn to FB..urmm~, rmai gak bdak ni on? lma x dngar citer, bdak asrama ni.....

start de chat, AKU :a/salam!!.................10 min later...............'offline'

aik? offline lak..mntang2 dak asrama, xlyan aku, dak ni pn on?? die ni dh pndah tmpat lein ni.....

start de chat, AKU: a/salam! wei, pe cter ko skang??
BDAK 2: oo...aku ok je....
AKU: cmne skola bru?? ok???
..................................pppfff, 'offline'......

aik?? tetibe offline..hisshh..pehal diorng ni..xpe2..pompuan mmang smbong klo laki yg tgur diorng dlu..xpe2, aku chat ngan dak laki lak....hahh, jmpe pn mmber skool aku...

start de chat, AKU: wei! ko pe cter?? kte xde pe2 plan ke cuti2 ni??
DAK 3: de la gak, ngan dak2 asrama ....
AKU: yeke?? kte nk wat pe
DAK 3: x tau lak....
AKU: kte nk ajk sape dak asrama tu??
DAK 3: umm...kte ajk.....

aih?? asal offline ni? ayt pn x abis agi....letrik ptus ke??.......

bgitu la sdih nye, fren yg on9 pn makin skit...xpe, aku mncube lgi....
haa.....cbe pn sorng bdak laki..ble brkenalan ni....

start, AKU: a/salam
DAK 4 : w/salam
AKU: pe kabar?? ko skola ne??
......'lmbang taip'..............................'offline'

x smpat jwab, tetibe offline lak....asal sume orng yg chat ngan aku offline??

sape la aku...aku bkan dak asrama....aku bkan hensem mna....aku x cool..aku bkan seorng yg mnarik yg nk dkenali oleh bdak yg x dkenali....

tpi pnting ke sume tu!! x ble ke aku de kwan wlaupun aku x perfect!!!

KENAPE!!!! KENAPE!!!! KENA.......................aik??

ooo..ptut la....dh pkul 2.30 pagi rpanya......hehe...sori ye....

Friday, February 18, 2011


well, hello konrg.....klo konrg prasan, aku wat post ni bbrape mnit slepas 'wallawe' haha.... yg aku nk ckpa skang...umm...psal dri aku yg truk ni....

aku...sihat..but aku ni de stu prangai bruk yg tr sngat die??

aku ni, bese la laki..tpi aku ni mcam kaki pmpuan plak..nmpak die ni, syok plak, nmpak die ni, syok plak..aku rsa truk kot..mcam x stia pda yg 1....

yg lgi truk, ble dh syok tu mule ler bgi tau orng..wei, aku suke ar ngan minah tu..pstu, mule la mrebak bnde tu..dh mrebak, orng tu pn tau ar, ble dh tau, dh start mlu2, nk pndang aku n pyah, ni kn plak ckap..

bkan tu yg aku riso...tpi die tu mcam syok sndri plak (x syok pn_ da hal aku bkan suke sngat pn..tpi tkkan aku nk ckap 'wei, aku mna suke ko, ko x cun ar' haha...klo ble mmang aku nk ckap cmtu tpi tu pn klo dh lma x mkan pnampar la....

so the conclusion is, aku ni mcam x stia, mle2 ngan orng ni, pstu ngan orng ni plak..nsib beik orng yg aku mnat ni x mnat couple, klo x, dh brape bnyak awek aku de..haha

truk x?? agk truk la..aku x bese nk brmain prasaan ni, (aice...) n aku pling lmah brckap psal prasaan..haha.....

wat ever it r not surely end in 2012 n live healthy..haha....

Wallawe EVERYONE!!!

woho...lma gler aku x bkak blog ni...lma la gakkkkkk~~

soo...wat news??

1) aku dpat 8A 4 my PMR, woohOO! thnx to evryone n to our Creator....
2) skang sains tulen= bio seh!! haha, mmang aku dh jngka dh coz mak aku mmang suh wat medic pn....

k, that's the general stuff hppening....n yg lbih dtail lgi...haha

-aku juz had first accident aku, haha...nsib la x cdera prah...
-new frens!! de bdak tua (17 taun) msuk klas aku, dri egypt plak tu..beik la gak....pompuan, ehem...dhbr pnye k..ahaha...sape kisa...

well..thats all for now...Cao