Friday, February 18, 2011

Wallawe EVERYONE!!!

woho...lma gler aku x bkak blog ni...lma la gakkkkkk~~

soo...wat news??

1) aku dpat 8A 4 my PMR, woohOO! thnx to evryone n to our Creator....
2) skang sains tulen= bio seh!! haha, mmang aku dh jngka dh coz mak aku mmang suh wat medic pn....

k, that's the general stuff hppening....n yg lbih dtail lgi...haha

-aku juz had first accident aku, haha...nsib la x cdera prah...
-new frens!! de bdak tua (17 taun) msuk klas aku, dri egypt plak tu..beik la gak....pompuan, ehem...dhbr pnye k..ahaha...sape kisa...

well..thats all for now...Cao

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