Monday, July 25, 2011

Parkour Never Die!!!

Uuummm..sesuai ke tjuk ari ni?? aku ingt nk wat Parkour vs Freerun...tpi mngenang kn aku dh lma x post psal parkour, aku wat la tjuk cmni..haha

so, blogger skalian mri kite focus pda tjuk original kita....Parkour vs Freerun....

most of us, didn't realize that Freerun is not Parkour..ppl get mix up n think that Freerun IS Parkour.....

actually, that's not a problm even if u mix up..haha..tpi sbenar, benarnya, freerun is more about style than parkour....

for freerun, u can make it look amazing by doing all the flip but in parkour, it's easier but well, ia x la sehebat freerun...

most ppl akan lbih trtarik pda freerun yg lbih brgaya & style (bnde sma)..aku x kisa sngat, but in parkour, in may look lame but when u master it, it could be useful for a long run.....

nape aku mcam mnyokong parkour dripda freerun?? haha...isn't obvious?? aku x brape ngan freeun sngat..ok...

nape?? coz i can't do it!!! haha..but bile dfikir kn..flip don't hlp much than juz for style n well, STYLE......

so, in the end, i btter focus on my parkour skill, jump over that, jump over this....... tpi lgi...freerun n parkour is juz like brothers k?? dun argue bcoz of tis..coz parkour ni mcam abg & freerun ni mcam adik kpd parkour sndri....

TQ2.......(pnjg post aku kli ni.......hahahaha)

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