Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sacrifice of Love

well, klo ckap psal pngorbanan je, rmai akn ingt mati..mati untuk cinta, mati untuk proof kesetian kita pda orng tu..BULLSHIT man!!!

why?? hahaha..well, yela, rmai mati krana cinta..super bodoh tpi tu la yg brlaku.....

ade yg mati sbb ptus cinta..ade yg mati nk protect orng yg die cinta..n many more la yg brkaitan...sory, but i would say that they were blind by emotions......

1st, mati krana ptus cinta..sah2 la bdoh, krana Allah dh mnjdi stiap makhluk nye br psangan..pagi & mlam, laut & darat, hidup & mati and adam &, klo bkan jdoh ko ngan die, pasti ade ngan orng lein pnye..dun worry la my frens..yg kes dara tua tu x yah cmpur la, diorng de priority lein dlam idup diorng...hahahaha....

lgi stu, ckup popular and ckup bodo..mati mmbuktikan cinta kita..first, korng dh br cinta, then, korng snang ambik kputusan mati juz ntuk mmbuktikan lgi cinta tu.....
phal lak bodo?? haha, bia aku bgi conto, aku tr bca kat ntah aku x ingt

Dad: how could i trust my daughter on u ?
Boy: I would give my life to protect her!
Dad: then i dun wan u to be her husband
Boy: what?! y? i die for her!!
Dad: i wan her husband to be wif her all de time..not juz letting her alone by herself

got it? guys, klo btul korng cinta kn seseorng, dun die for wif her..well, klo die dlanda msalah idup dn mati tu, korng kne la fkir scara wras...bkan scara mudah, beza tu..hahaha

so, be wif her, help her wen she fall, guide her wen she lost..dat's de true scarife of love :)

dat's all from Dr Love Boyz126, hahaha..cao

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