Friday, June 1, 2012


3 am....still can't sleep.....

so......mybe tonight I'm tellin bout my new interest =D hahaha

ermm.......aku ni mmg mcam xde pndririan skit..kdang2 minat tu, kdang2 minat ni.....but slalu nye de bbrape sbab aku tuka2...nnti aku citer..hahaha interest aku skang?? erm....jgan gelak.......aku skang minat RUGBY!!!! hahaha

cool x?? k..aku tau aku ni underweight....bdan kering2 je...tpi kn......mmbe aku ni dak rugby, die de ckap...............apehal nk bdan bsar2?? ni bkan nye competition bodybuild, ni rugby. asl kn ko laju je, ko dh kire pmain pnting dh.......

after hear dat from a rugby player itself....hati aku jdi...........FUH!!! I STILL HAD A CHANCE MAN!!! WAHAHAHA

plus, org kte klo bsar + laju lgi gmpak...tpi klo laju je je kire ok, ok la kot =P hahaha

nape aku tetibe minat rugby ni?? dh la aku ni kering, klo msuk pdang sure nyawa2 ikan la kne slam..hahaha

coz of dat la aku was thrilling u know.....

first, aku mnat parkour coz i though running from danger would be thrilling plus we dodging those obstacle.......but in de end, xde sape nk training n then lme2 aku pn neik boring sbab training skali skale je....hahaha

second, aku join sparing..ala, kcik2 je, ngan ade la 2-3 org.....tpi laz2...aku sorng je syok sndri...sume xnak mein, busy la, mak x kasi kuar la.....xpe la aku pham..lbam mnggu lpas pn x elok, trbantut la aktiviti sparing aku.........bubye sparing.......

so now, aku  ingt nk join rugby la =D hahaha....but then, kwan2 aku sume ckap...ko  xle mein rugby la, x pyah la..ko blum tau mein rugby cmne, dh tau nnti msti ko x nk je, beik jgn...........

haha..come on la guys.....klo aku jge bdan, xnk luka2, x nak lebam2...beik aku msuk modelling mngkuk......
yes, i know bout those injuries..i know bout those blood, bone braking, paralyse or watever de injuries hppen during de game......but still, i wan it, so get de he** out of my way.......

plus, yg sruh aku jgan mein, bkan nye dak rugby pn =.=
yg player rugby wakil mrsm lgi encourage aku training......ape kedehal???, we juz follow de expert, right?? huhu

ok, mungkin aku x pegi jau ngan fzikal aku dlam rugby, but, hey, sje2 je ape slah nye kn??? chill out la......

ok then........dat's all for now, hope u all get de message....

Believe wat u believe
Don't juz simply trust wat de ppl saying
Coz they juz dunno de hell u doing......

all right?? haha
bye then...nite brothers n sisters.....CAO~~

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