Sunday, June 3, 2012


so....dis would be de last post for dis holiday..haha..(hbis gak title sequence aku.......)

so, in 3 hours, I'll be going to OBS (outbound  school) well, any comment boyz126??

hermm...first, i hope it would be extreme..haha..x bez la klo outdoor activity x extreme kn?? =P

then....aku dnga dri yg pnah pegi...bez, mnarik, tr tarik, teh tarik~ haha enta la...we'll see....

but...bile aku tngok blik yg pegi ngan aku rmai pompuan je....mlas doh =.=

ble dh rmai pompuan, start la tr gedik2...haduhh......i was hoping 4 an extreme, but if those girls was there, riding pony would be extreme to them =.=

aku akn hbis kn 5 hari kat sne.........mksud nye, hbis la cuti 2 mnggu aku kat sne T.T sedi~~

kje skola 1 pn x wat lgi....wat kat sne le jwap nye..hahaha

erm.....k la...x tau citer pe, bkan nye aku dh pegi pn =P haha

see u later then....


ps: klo x pham kjadah title sequence yg aku wat tu....ko tkan la kat blog achieve tu....dri february tau aku wat...hahaha

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