Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Counting days~ how's life treating you peeps??

Hrmm...x lame dah lagi aku kat umah..insyaALLAH lagi brape hari lagi aku nak sambung studi...

Bez ke ar?? Entah la...aku tak tau la nak cakap camne..excited? X jugak..risau? X jugak....tak seronok ke nak jumpe kawan2 baru?? Entah la....kawan baru? Kawan yg kat sini pun berape kerat je....hahaha

So, honestly, sejak akhir2 ni aku depressed sikit.....OMAAIIGGOOODD!!

Haha..aku yang hidup takde tanggungjawab ni pun bole depressed ek?  Aku pun pelik...but then, when i rethink about least i don't bother others :P

Well, aku depressed pun bukan sebab ape..maybe kurang beribadat kot :3   hrmm...most likely...tapi ape yang aku pikir sampai dapat depressed yg sia2 ni??

Crush...ok....everybody have one and its common..but right now for me its not..i've been wasting all my time thinking how i could get her that she could like me the way i like her.....

Ok first...aku tau aku mmg loser, kusut kan kepale otak pikir bende bukan2 yg x bawak manfaat langsung plus....she's so popular..she's beautiful, funny, out-going, open minded and quite religious too...she has tons of friends...while me stay in the house washing cars and water the plants....

My social life is pathetic....compared to her life..why would she look up at me? And you trying to make her LIKES you? She doesn't even know how to spell your name correctly!! Dammnnn la...

Why am i writing all this in the middle of the morning? Coz i don't want to think about it anymore and aku nak luah kan semua nye....

I know this maybe cause by my hormone messed up..want to love and to be loved, some sort like, aku try untuk buang feeling ni jau2, bia sampai laut pasifik sekali pun..coz i know that my head says 'NO'

Plus...why would i tried so hard to impress one girl when i could a bunch at the IPT, am i right? Let say if i COULD make her like me, and then we start flirting and coupling.....and then....when i go to further my study.....there's a super cute girl dying to get in love with me (just imagination...haha) that would be a waste right?? Hahaha

Well....I miss the old me..a freak who enjoy his lonely least i'm able to smile at that time, talk to myself and sometimes making myself laugh...haha...ok thats too pathetic...

So, thanks blogger for giving me a place that i could be myself...peerrghh...puas gile hati ni...haha..alhamdulillah, tak larat dah aku nak pikio bende2 ni lagi dah....haha

Ok then...enough for this post...lets go get a life...hahaha


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