Friday, January 11, 2013

my girl~ my girl~

haaaaaaaallllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~ n assalamualaikum =D

so...hrmm, boring lak cuti2 ni..sume sbuk keje.....haha aku kli ni ringan2 je, bole mnum kopi, lari2, flip2 sambil bca.....haha...enjoy~

so, korng penah dnga psal couple?? tipu ar x pnah =P  mmg zman remaja dlu2 lgi dh wjud prkataan ni......

tpi zman skang...puuiihh......over nk mmpos...smpai ade yg tr lanjur....watde hell man??

ari ni ko rosak kn anak orang...stu ari nnti jgan ko mnyesal orang rosakkan anak dara ko........pesan ikhlas dri aku, xyah byar......

so....kli ni bukan aku nk tulis psal cintan2, couple2 ni....nope, x kuase aku~ haha

buuutttt.......aku nk citer skit psal characteristic girl idaman aku =P wahahaha

1...hrmm...die x tnggi sngat >o<  mngenangkan aku ni type lelaki pndek so mungkin agk ssah la nk cari...haha...sbb, klo girl lgi tnggi, aku rsa mcam aku ni tr sngat la pndek....

2....x gmuk sngat, x krus sngat...acane tu?? haha...yg ni mungkin sume girl camtu kot...kcuali klo lemak dh br lipat2 tu konfem gmuk..haha...tpi rsa nye hmpir sume kwan2 girl ade ciri2 bad malay girl ;)

3....cantik??? bole la =P sori la klo aku tr lalu mmentingkan physical.....tpi thats a fact right?? sape korng rsa pling bnyak admire, robert pattison or bangla PATI tu??? much better.....but......sbetul nye aku nk cari bini cikgu =D haha..why??? huhu..coz cikgu ni die bnyak br depan ngan bdak2 so aku hope that she can be a good mother to our child =P and of coz, jdual cikgu x pdat, so, die bole la spend time die jage anak2 =D

5....personality.....hrmm....i prefer yg pnyayang, br tanggungjwab, and lembut(optional...haha) oo...and manja =P  haha..maybe bcoz aku manje ngan mak aku, so aku mng hrap kan girl yg aku bole br manje jgak (eeuuww...ssah aku taip...LOL)

also....x ego, blagak, riak...mybe bcoz aku de knal orang2 yg ade sifat2 mcam tu..honestly, aku bole than lgi dnga sikap2 yg x brape nk waras ni..haha...tpi klo ade prangai2 tu, huiisshh...mmg ssah nk ilang =.=

6....religion?? islam...tudung? ermm...aku pn still tngah pikir.....ok, mmg aku lgi suke pompuan yg pkai tdung...but girls with long hair is not bad either =P haha..bukan la....aku juz tr pikir klo gf aku br tudung, fine la...tpi klo aku 'wat' gf aku brtudung..thats AWESOME!!!  yela...mungkin niat die x ikhlas...tpi lme2 akn timbul la ke ikhlasan tu, x gitu?? but, its not an easy job...turning a girl into more needs patient man.......hrmm, tngok la jodoh aku mcam mne =]

7....and...her body shape??? haha...kpada pmbaca wanita, klo x snggup nk bca, sila skip scepat mungkin krana ni prbualan lelaki...xle blah......
so...most guys are looking for busty gf, right?? but pda aku....aku lbih suke girl yg flat.....reason is, sape suke bile laki lein tngok gf die ngan pnuh nafsu kan?? so, i prefer flat girl bcoz she dun look like 'sex symbol' in others eye, am i right?? well, who need big boobs when they have sweet, innocent, angelic look?? haha....that differentiate girl and slut.....

so....i think thats all characteristic im looking forward in my future 'gf'...too much?? yea, i know, no wonder i juz couple only once...haha..but i think that one time do teach me a lot ;)

so.....aku bukan nye memilih...lgi pn ade ke pompuan yg perfect mcam kat ats suke kat aku?? haha...aku ni pn bkan nye perfect mne...x hnsem pn, xde admire pn..hahaha....but who cares, for sure that i dun =P

so, boyz and girlz....if you love your mate, pray to ALLAH and insyaALLAH, ALLAH will make they love you more....if not?? ALLAH is already prepare a better one for you ;) so...dun regret of clash or watso ever, ok??

~~juz laugh and spread the positivea aura~~ 

thats all from me tonight...


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