Saturday, November 10, 2012


wow...lme nye rse x update blog ni......mklum la spm kn =3

erm.,,,,skang...ngah gap sminggu....smpat la update blog aku yg dh br habuk ni =P

well, things go quite well for me, i guess....Alhamdulillah.....

I've done 4 paper which is BM. Bi, Sejarah (some students cry after dis paper....funny =3 ) and  Mathematics....

For upcoming paper is, Agama, Add Math (uuu..I can't wait =P ) Physics, Chemist and Biology (My fav >.< ) exam, bole la  wat xde la pening kpale sngat ( paper sains blum start lgi =.= ) tpi aku dh start stress dh...why?? even someone care so little like me cn go stress?? hhrmm...=/

de reason is HOPE.....yea hope is good...hope make us work harder..hope make us wan to do something to de limit, isn't it??

yea...hope is great but in my case, those hope is killing me...not to mention my mom who keep preassuring me to study.......sorry mom....

bkan aku x appreciate hrapan org sekeliling kat juz too much..even my dad have his highest hope in me n that is nver happen.....he said, 'remember, B is try yor bez to get an A'

wow....seriously?? SERIOUSLY???
Im fail if i get any B??? wow...ok then, I will try my bez not to disappoint u dad......

but comes my real problem....

haish....i cnt tell how many time she told me wat happen if I fail, I am their laz hope, not to mention she scold me if i watch a lil tv.....n believe me, she kill me if she saw me wit de, no net ( luckily i got my tab wif me =P )

so...klo dia asyik bgi negatif aura kat aku, korng pikir aku jdi ape??/


so...everyday i keep calm, not to listen to her scold n those negative thing she said.......Lucky i got keep me calm somehow =D

jadi.....i will juz do my bez in dis ASS-PEE-AIM thing, n try not to disappoint anybody =3

wish me luck boys and girls, ;)
Peace Upon You....(Y)

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