Wednesday, September 12, 2012

De Trial!!!! u all know, as a spm candidates, aku tlah pn mnjalani peperiksaan percubaan slame 2 mnggu stengah! >.< was a relief.....alhamdulillah, trial spm kli ni, aku confident skit la coz de soaln2 spot, n preparation pn lbih skit dri exam2 sbelum ni..(nmpak sngat exam sbelum ni x prepare lngsung =P  ) trial?? ok i guess...but now aku nk ckap psal hal serious trial of life~ uuu...hahaha

idup kite msti la sntiase di uji right??? n dngan ujian tu la kite bole mnilai diri kite sbenar, don't u think?? haha

n nk tau pe ujian yg aku tngah facing skang ni? ermm....psal.....L.O.V.E...wahahahahaha

well, sperti yg korng tau, aku ngan die x duk skola yg sme lgi, n kitorng pn jrang2 aku pn start la rindu die.......

tpi kn.........die mcam x rsa yg sme je.......

everytime i say dat i love her, she dun reply, n juz simply said, 'ok'

ok?? so....ok wat?? aku prasan die dh mkin brubah....or mungkin aku ni je yg gedik lbih?? hahaha

ok2...aku ni mmg gedik lbih2 skit..honestly..aku mngaku ni..haha..kdang2 ayt2 jiwang tu mmg xleh blah la....ble aku ingt blik pn rsa.....fuh...dsyat nye.....hahaha

haha..ok...itu mungkin 1 kmungkinan....aku yg gedik lbih2.....

kmungkinan yg lein ialah.....*drum...

die mungkin dh x prlukan love2 ni lgi, n she wanted to start a new life...i mean, hidup sbgai bdak single, nothing to worry, nothing to concern......

well, dat's juz my theory....kmungkinan yg lein  plak....

mybe die pkir aku die x nk la lyan aku sngat sbab tkut focus aku lari dri study aku....erm...dat's a gud thing, right?? well...almost.....

mmg la aku ngah focus study, tpi tu x br mkna she dun have 2 contct me at all......aku study pn de neik trun nye, stress nye, so i do need someone to talk to......

family aku x leh....klo diorng tau study aku drop je...mmg diorng preassure aku lgi le jwap nye...

my fren? haish.....they are gud joker, i cn sure dat.......u know y?? tngah2 ko sedih tu, diorng bole wat lwak jtuh kn ko....laki standard la kn?? aku  x kisa psal tu...aku mmg pham pn..sbb aku pn slalu wat...hahaha

k...aku juz rse mcam tu je la...who knows there's a truth behind her mystery behavior........

so.....dlam aku ngah sedi pkir psal keregangan kami fren....advice me to get a ask her straight to de point......

wether she keeping dis relationship bcoz she love me, she pity wif me, OR she juz playing wit it........

ok de laz one quite awful.....

well...i've to thanks for her concern.....but do i really need to ask her?? mksud aku...ko gler ke??!!

wat if.....die btul mein2 je ngan aku...wat if.....ooww man....

so.....the truth too scared to face de it??

yela, klo btul die btul2 in love ngan aku >.<  haha ok la...tpi klo sbalik nye???

damn......i cnnot accept dat.....i mean, of coz i can hndle some sort of break up things n stuff but....i dun wan to......

darn it....wat should i do?? keep preteding dat there was sumthing between us? or ask her to know de real thing??

haish...i think i'm gonna ask her....tpi x tau la bile.......

well.....dats all for 2day post....


well....maybe dis will juz hppen in my dream............LOVE YOU SQ 

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