Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic & Trial......

erm....dh msuk Ogos ek?? cpat nye =.=

so...to all muslim, selamat mnyambut bulan ramadan...make sure thun ni puasa pnuh ye =D

ptut nye ni post untuk july, tpi sbb x smpat, aku post la jgak...haha

erm...olimpik dh start, acara tr besar di dunia, don't u think??

tpi  mlang nye acara pmbukaan die wat tngah pagi..aduh...x dpat tngok....aku ni bkan suke brjge lwat2 mlam nk tngok tv....so tngok la skit2 time sahur tu...

anyway, gud luck to all malaysian athlete, i hope dat everyone will do their bez to win de gold medal =D

but if they failed to do so, well......cheer for them, they have done their bez, n we should appreciate it, right?? huhu

mybe, thun ni aku x dpat nk ikut sngat la olimpik ni, coz trial pn dh dkat (28 haribulan ni!! >.<  )

n x lupe...gud luck to all pmr candidates for yor trial....which starts today......

SO.....................................GUD LUCK TO ALL!!!

bnyak nye gud luck post kli ni =.='


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