Friday, April 20, 2012


assalamualaikum.....aku islam...haha nk ckap arini ek??..herm....

huh...psal ehem2 nk? hahahaha

well...i dun think things r going well...tpi xde la mkin truk juz...things juz not de same.....

haish....aku bkan nye jnis org yg kisa sngat psal hal2 really bother me u this gonna end soon??? damn....

i love her u know...i really do...i say it wenever we talk...well, not actually talking, we re juz messaging, fb chat, like dat la :p

but...i seems dat she dun feel de same anymore....aku pn x tau..juz...lein...... aku ckap ni...aku pn xpham.....ok...

to make it simple, i think....i think la, im not really sure,haha, dat she doesn't really want to continue dis relationship anymore u know..but she dun want to say it, mybe not now.......i think la....but i hope dat im wrong :(

she love her life..she would prefer being single..i cn tell..but i dunno why.....

if she dun wan to say it..mybe she'll wait until i frust wit all dis n decide to break things up btween us...ermm..sounds legit...

i dunno...things were wonderful between us back then....but now.....damn!! F**K u mohd jiwa school!! im blaming her new school...wats next? her fren?? mybe......hahahaha

hah...........................come least show me dat u love me.....plz.....

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