Wednesday, November 30, 2011

a very touching love :'(

aku mnangis?? nver~ tpi agk mnyayat ati la ble bca bnde alh ni..hahahahaha

she was no one to be known
she funky, happy go lucky and well retarded
suddenly 1 man comes from no where make her heart melt
she was confuse bout that
but she knew she was in love
after couples of month knew the man
she think he is the one
they start to be in some kind of relationship
she put her trust, love and loyalty 100% on him
hoping he will do the same
even tragedy did happen
she juz hide it away
not all ppl like them together
then she decide to let him go 4 awhile for the sake of the boy. and wish she sould sacrifice her great love towards him
it was sad, even she cry very bad that day
but she hv to for the goodness of the boy
till now she loyal waiting those days to pass on
she keep with her words, and hoping the guy will not doubt her waitings
and hoping there is trust beneath the scrifice that she has choose
she also hope that the waiting and sacrifices paid off
or she will be someone who ppl never know anymore
she wil anything to keep herself in faith 4 da waiting
she really determine
~no ending~

dun like it?? U BETTER LIKE IT! or u r.......FOREVER ALONE!!!! juz a stroy dat's all..where i got dis?? secret stuff mate, sory..hahaha..nothing serious

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Smangat plak diorng ni tetibe....

Fuhu...abis pn exam form4 thun ni....rsa mrdeka la gak..haha

tpi yg aku plik nye, asl mmber2 aku x sgembira aku ah?? ble aku excited je dh abis exam, diorng -lek ar man, bru abis exam je pn-

oo...mybe exam tu x beri IMPAK yg bsar kpada diorng, ok.......

so dh abis exam ni, makin rjin la aku bkak FB hahaha.....ske ati aku nk wat pe ngan free time aku..haha

aku tngok je la pe yg diorng yg gado, de yg x puas ati ngan orng tpi x ckap direct pastu orng lein trase..haha..tu pling aku suke.....n mcam2 lgi ar....

plus, rmai plak orng yg wat blog skang ni....nmpak sngat??????????? NMPAK SNGAT BORING NYE~~ HAHAHA

x sala wat blog (aku pn tngah tulis kat blog ni :P ) tpi mcam lawak doh, lpas sbulan or sminggu abis exam je, rmai yg wat blog....haha....pastu promote bnyak2...

wei, fllow tau blog aku, pdahal post nye idak jugak....hahaha

so i'm not mad to anyone who wan to make a blog, xperience la kta up....haha

n kpda sesape yg mmbaca ni trasa, aku nk ckap stu lgi -sory, i x reti dcorate blog cntik2 cm korng :P -