Thursday, October 30, 2014

Third post??!!


howdy OcVemBer...(its already the end of October and we are getting to get my joke right?? plz??)

I can't believe its almost the end of 2014 and this blog just post its third post for this year??!! Not so shocking...

yup reason is bile da start student life aku mmg malas gilo nak update blog ni..why?? bcoz life as student have so much to discover ><

B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T  *eeoookkkk

mainly bcoz aku banyak keje anddddd hasutan syaitan bergabung hawa nafsu yg suruh aku membuang masa...the end....

so....aku nak post something life in MSU

first, bile aku smpai sane, im totally depressed....everything not right..the toilets dirty, students attitude and accommodations..bak kata sume bende la aku complaint

smpai parent aku pn pujuk, strive at MSU at get the hell out of there....and i was.....ok.......(feelingless)

i don't know...i just feel i don't belong there...i  should be somewhere else attending seminar on degrees of medical but where am i??? reapeating the same old shit i've been doing for a year.....

its feel like i waste my time man..a year..banyak tuuuuu

but then......time past away and so do my depression...

i try to get along, and what do you know, i got some friends from palam too....andddd the best part is one of them is my lecture mate..keciknye dunia~

plus, ade jugak budak pasum (surprisingly) mesir and engineering students?? but here we are...a bunch of repeaters.....

well, its good to know that u are not alone especially when you had to repeat the same thing that everybody done and pass....

but hey, im not getting into that mood ok? cause now im feeling lucky that im here....even as repeaters.....


u know how big that is?? (not the size of the letter) it totally biiggg.....

ok cube pujuk diri sebenarnye..hahaha

in palam, most of friend were student who score 5A and above in spm (its a big deal)....most of them (all maybe?) have set their goal to be a doctor..weird but that what it, baru kelas aku, the other class lagi...can u imagine how many actually people want to be an effing doctor??

but in the end...palam is not easy as it seems.......most of them dont fulfill their dreams....they just go where the flows taking them........but me??

yup..some of them get what they always work for.....some, not all, not even half....its sad but this is the reality world, not some inspiring box office movies....

and I'm one of that people who 'should' go where the flows taking me but I??

Heck no...thnx for my family background....i got my second (and last!) chance to make things right again.... do i feel now?? damn lucky dudeeee

Alhamdullilah....yes i made mistake for playing too much but this time...insyaAllah i won't screw it this time....

yup....that's my MSU story (part 1??)

lets pray it will be a bright path which I'm taking..insyaAllah ^^

see you soon brothers and sisters...