Monday, July 21, 2014

The reality is not beautiful as it seems...

Hello (the end of) July!

owh..but firstly, assalamualaikum to my muslim brothers and sisters....

lets take a moment of silence and recite al-fatihah for our brothers and sisters who will always be in our memory, to GAZA and MH17.........

aku tak terpikir lagi nak buat post pasal diorang..maybe tak, bcoz isu sensitif kan and aku tak nak la bagi info salah lak tak pasal2..jatuh fitnah nnti, dosa die lagi dsyat dari membunuh tuuuuuu

so, the the world we are livng now and.........i am actually depressed =.='

bcoz u know, aku rase ade hikmah gak aku fail foundation palam....sounds weird?? so do i......

since bangku sekolah rendah lagi, aku x pernah lagi kecewa kan parents aku ( aicewaaaa..belagak seh mamat ni.....)

NO..citer die bile aku selalu buat diorang bangga (xde la selalu) aku tak pernah tau apa reaksi diorang klo aku disappoint kan what PALAM life told me.....

without good grades, it feels like i am actually nothing to them..diorang buat aku mcam saham, where you invest and hoping to get more...

ok, parents mane xnak anak berjaya kan?? but on the matter of facts, aku dah dpat course pharmacist kot?? THAt IS AIN'T HALF BAD tau tak......

but still......diorang force aku repeat, so aku bole jadi doktor....

it must be proud when you tell others that your child is a doctor right?? even parents aku pun klo jumpe org luar mesti ketengahkan kkak aku yg doktor tu.......really??

i can;t imagine if i was stupid and nothing to them..would they actually appreciate me?? would they still recognize me as family?? who knows......

hrmmm...air dicincang pun tak akan putus kan..... all goes after second foundation life in MSU....

P.S :seriously aku baca dari past student....this place is like a sinkhole for your money....i cant imagine hows life there *deprssed

boleh kate kan my life at home is really depressing after palam...

everything doesn't go the way they should feels like the life is beating you down really bad.....

haih....i don't know what gonna happened after this, I give up on planning...wherever the path took me, thats the only direction i'll walk.....

I'm giving up??? maybe.......maybe not....well, aku tau aku ni takde lah sebaik mane, tapi insyaAllah, bertawakal jela pada keputusan Allah

feels better??? damn better......haha

just dont overthink about something that you can't change folks....

and if there is something you are capable to for it...and leave the rest to the Al Mighty,,,,

I'm not giving up....if this is my path....i'll walk until the end no matter what....
