Thursday, October 30, 2014

Third post??!!


howdy OcVemBer...(its already the end of October and we are getting to get my joke right?? plz??)

I can't believe its almost the end of 2014 and this blog just post its third post for this year??!! Not so shocking...

yup reason is bile da start student life aku mmg malas gilo nak update blog ni..why?? bcoz life as student have so much to discover ><

B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T  *eeoookkkk

mainly bcoz aku banyak keje anddddd hasutan syaitan bergabung hawa nafsu yg suruh aku membuang masa...the end....

so....aku nak post something life in MSU

first, bile aku smpai sane, im totally depressed....everything not right..the toilets dirty, students attitude and accommodations..bak kata sume bende la aku complaint

smpai parent aku pn pujuk, strive at MSU at get the hell out of there....and i was.....ok.......(feelingless)

i don't know...i just feel i don't belong there...i  should be somewhere else attending seminar on degrees of medical but where am i??? reapeating the same old shit i've been doing for a year.....

its feel like i waste my time man..a year..banyak tuuuuu

but then......time past away and so do my depression...

i try to get along, and what do you know, i got some friends from palam too....andddd the best part is one of them is my lecture mate..keciknye dunia~

plus, ade jugak budak pasum (surprisingly) mesir and engineering students?? but here we are...a bunch of repeaters.....

well, its good to know that u are not alone especially when you had to repeat the same thing that everybody done and pass....

but hey, im not getting into that mood ok? cause now im feeling lucky that im here....even as repeaters.....


u know how big that is?? (not the size of the letter) it totally biiggg.....

ok cube pujuk diri sebenarnye..hahaha

in palam, most of friend were student who score 5A and above in spm (its a big deal)....most of them (all maybe?) have set their goal to be a doctor..weird but that what it, baru kelas aku, the other class lagi...can u imagine how many actually people want to be an effing doctor??

but in the end...palam is not easy as it seems.......most of them dont fulfill their dreams....they just go where the flows taking them........but me??

yup..some of them get what they always work for.....some, not all, not even half....its sad but this is the reality world, not some inspiring box office movies....

and I'm one of that people who 'should' go where the flows taking me but I??

Heck no...thnx for my family background....i got my second (and last!) chance to make things right again.... do i feel now?? damn lucky dudeeee

Alhamdullilah....yes i made mistake for playing too much but this time...insyaAllah i won't screw it this time....

yup....that's my MSU story (part 1??)

lets pray it will be a bright path which I'm taking..insyaAllah ^^

see you soon brothers and sisters...

Monday, July 21, 2014

The reality is not beautiful as it seems...

Hello (the end of) July!

owh..but firstly, assalamualaikum to my muslim brothers and sisters....

lets take a moment of silence and recite al-fatihah for our brothers and sisters who will always be in our memory, to GAZA and MH17.........

aku tak terpikir lagi nak buat post pasal diorang..maybe tak, bcoz isu sensitif kan and aku tak nak la bagi info salah lak tak pasal2..jatuh fitnah nnti, dosa die lagi dsyat dari membunuh tuuuuuu

so, the the world we are livng now and.........i am actually depressed =.='

bcoz u know, aku rase ade hikmah gak aku fail foundation palam....sounds weird?? so do i......

since bangku sekolah rendah lagi, aku x pernah lagi kecewa kan parents aku ( aicewaaaa..belagak seh mamat ni.....)

NO..citer die bile aku selalu buat diorang bangga (xde la selalu) aku tak pernah tau apa reaksi diorang klo aku disappoint kan what PALAM life told me.....

without good grades, it feels like i am actually nothing to them..diorang buat aku mcam saham, where you invest and hoping to get more...

ok, parents mane xnak anak berjaya kan?? but on the matter of facts, aku dah dpat course pharmacist kot?? THAt IS AIN'T HALF BAD tau tak......

but still......diorang force aku repeat, so aku bole jadi doktor....

it must be proud when you tell others that your child is a doctor right?? even parents aku pun klo jumpe org luar mesti ketengahkan kkak aku yg doktor tu.......really??

i can;t imagine if i was stupid and nothing to them..would they actually appreciate me?? would they still recognize me as family?? who knows......

hrmmm...air dicincang pun tak akan putus kan..... all goes after second foundation life in MSU....

P.S :seriously aku baca dari past student....this place is like a sinkhole for your money....i cant imagine hows life there *deprssed

boleh kate kan my life at home is really depressing after palam...

everything doesn't go the way they should feels like the life is beating you down really bad.....

haih....i don't know what gonna happened after this, I give up on planning...wherever the path took me, thats the only direction i'll walk.....

I'm giving up??? maybe.......maybe not....well, aku tau aku ni takde lah sebaik mane, tapi insyaAllah, bertawakal jela pada keputusan Allah

feels better??? damn better......haha

just dont overthink about something that you can't change folks....

and if there is something you are capable to for it...and leave the rest to the Al Mighty,,,,

I'm not giving up....if this is my path....i'll walk until the end no matter what....


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Resurrection of Boyz126


its been one year sejak aku menaip kat sini..haha..nostalgia bhai...

well, aku da agak matang ke?? hrmmmm..i could say yes..but sometimes not XP

stahun last entry is about me before goinfg to PALAM....fiuuu~~ banyak yang da berlaku..hehe

aku malaih la cite hal2 pasal palam skang..bile2 la, lein entry ye abg2 adik2 sekalian...

Oops, n the ending of my palam life is not so good, but i could say the bad things is only the ending..haha

soo...its been 2 (almost 3) month aku cuti..keje?? hrmmm, tu yang sume kawan2 aku buat..and aku?? well, tau la mak aku yg overprotective tu kan *pandang ke atas

'bez ar xyah keje, dok umah buat taik mata...

mesti korang piki camtu kan?? haha..tipu ar, sbb aku pn piki bnde yang same..tapi, folks........the reality is not beautiful as it seems (spoiler next entry..hahaha)

why?? WHYYYYYYY??!!!

bcoz....*drum roll...........bile aku x keje, family expect aku untuk buat sume errand

'alah, keje sikit merungut..baru sikit'

yes....tapi memandang family aku pn piki bende yg same, so keje aku pn bnyak laa......

penah denga sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit?? yup..that is how you can imagine my daily work..sikit dari si emak nye, sikit dari si kkak nye, sikit dari si ayah nye..lame2 keje aku pn mcam la FiretrUCK ....

 hade bantahan?? leave it under the comment below bro *thumbs up first post after being off for a year is complaining about my family??? hrmmmmm.......


so peeps.................Boyz126 is BACK

see ya all very soon...ciao~