Saturday, March 3, 2012

barely alive.....

poz for de march...agk awl kn?? haha..sbb aku de citer bez nk post ni, tkut lupe lak :p

emm..cmne nk start ek....sabtu aritu de gnti skola...ermm...aku x kisa sngat la psal skola, tpi ayah x gi keje...first i was like..was dat going to do wif me??

then, lpas blik, ayah ckap personal ngan aku......BAM!!!! die slongkar enset aku!!! siot!!

aku plak mne pnah logout sgale fb, email, kejadah lgi dlam enset coz jrang pkai.....wan to know wat's next??

BOOM!! aku kantoi first he scold me very hard....then i got a slap in de face!!( agk kuat la, msih trase smpai skang =.=) n de worst....aku kne jemur plak tngah pnas pkul 2-3 tu.......(nape la x ujan aritu...)

letih skola pn x abis, kne jmur plak....fuh...mmg pitam ar stu hari......

well....bile pkir2 blik, sume ni slah aku gak...dosa2 aku gak....i lied my parents a lot..i do bad things behind them without they knowing till i was worth it......

but i wanna say a word to my dad (i know he wont read....juz wanna say :p )

dun tell me who should i fren with wen u dunno them...
dun tell me dat being like u is de bez thing for me...
dun tell me to live like u wen i dun think like u...
n dun tell me to left my love wen u dunno wat i am without her...
n plz.....jgan selongkar brang aku...sbb aku lbih b' hati2 skang..wahahaha :p

yor epic son B)

ok..i know he love me as his son..i love him too........
LOVE U DAD.........

so...bro & sis......
no matter how hard de situation is....keep yor head up n smile.....B)