Saturday, June 11, 2011

Birthday Boy

Huhu..sperti yg korng tau, ari ni besday aku..waaa!!! x sngka nye....

wat?? korng x tau?? well, korng ptut tau coz that's y de blog name is BOYZ126......

12 June, kn??? haha...well, aku ni mmang agk kreatif...wahahahaha!!!

thnx kpade sesape yg wish aku, wish dlam hati korng pn aku ckup brtrima kasih....

nape aku kecoh2 ngan besday aku ni??
coz ini la ari brsejarah untk blog BOYZ126!!! knape?? coz ari ni ari jdi THE CREATOR!!!!

haha..get it?? well, aku cme nk mngisi blog aku, spaya korng x ingt blog aku ni mati.....k, cao...

live yor life, live healthy......

Sunday, June 5, 2011


"Movie 2 Watch"

i juz watch a real super gud movie that will spend yor 1 hour 30 min without u knowing!!! haha

movie pe yg bgus sngat tu?? haha, nk citer la ni..ce citer kta kn.....

movie nye ialah........................KUNG FU PANDA 2!!! wuhu!!!

aku x psti msih de lgi x kat wayng tpi this one of the bez movie 2 watch!!!

Y?? double the action, double the humor, double the emotion, double evrything!!!

aku x tau nk kta pe lgi dh, evrything is gud!

ummm, Po lbih cool ngan kung fu die tpi still ngan prangai bodo2 die..haha...

anyway, congrats 2 the director, n Jack Black, my favourite, n also the other who contribute to this movie...

final it guys.....